2013年10月24日 星期四

Haunting, heavy and dizzy burden- Insomnia(針鋒相對)

We all have burned midnight oil, but have you haunted by the illusion and loneliness that come with insomnia(sleeplessness)?

What if incredible guilty burden was with you,meanwhile?

"Nothing as lonely as not sleeping"
Detective Will Dormer(Al Pacino) was sent to Alaska from LA. To catch a murderer(Robert Williams), he used his clever knowledge ,sharp instinct and efficient working ability to try to send the murderer behind jail.
However, he made a fatal mistake. 
With the special "Midnight Sun"(永日) in Alaska, this mistake started to make him get insomnia.
Just like sand leaked in sand glass, as the time passing, Dormer was getting dizzy and loosing more and more rationality and judgement on everything.

Meanwhile he became much different after this jeopardy,  we would never know that the situation "revealed" him or the situation "made" him became that.

About the film itself
With two great actors: Al Pacino and Robert Williams in this movie. Insomnia really attain a great achievement on psychological thriller movie.
Awards:Insomnia's Award on IMDb
Box Office:(from Mojo)
Cast:(from Mojo)

Since Nolan was a "Digital Psychology Magician" , this time he made the story became much tardier than before. Some reviews(影評) consider it was too slow and pointless, or not "thrill" at all.

I have been sleeplessness for four days. When I finished this movie, I couldn't stop myself from gasping. It seems like a fainted zombie crept on your body and grab your mind again.

I have watched many movie, but no one can let me feel like that.

Insomnia was slow and seemed not focus on particular theme, because that's what you feel when you lost your sleep, that's what you endured with heavy mental burden.

This movie made me back to the days that my head was almost exploded. 

Actors: Al Pacino
I want to talk more about Al Pacino.
He is a legend nowadays since his "The Godfather" Trilogy won the No. 2 and No.3 of best 250 in IMDb.
See IMDb Top 250 all the time

Also, he got numerous lifetime achievement awards, including one from the American Film Institute(the one who awards Oscar) 
(Data from wiki)

In this movie, Al Pacino had shown every one how amazing he was.
Not just performed a confused, tired and guilty person, but also change expression in  his eyes and facial language to fit in every situation that made Dormer perplexed (the situation you can only describe it as " perplex"but he made them so different!)

He was truly a LEGEND!

Many modern people was suffered form sleeplessness due to great stress and tension in their lives.
Sometimes people will suffer from it because of the change of Time Zone.(chronobiology生理時鐘)
Know more about Insomnia (English Wiki)
Know more abour Insomnia(Chinese Wiki)

In this movie, Dormer trapped into Insomnia due to both stress and disorder of chronobiology.

This movie will make you unforgettable if you have been suffered from insomnia. If you don't, you will still be astonish by how great Al Pacino is.
(sorry about the trailor that was not HD, go to watch the movie!)

6 則留言:

  1. It is really painful being sleepless. Every time I have trouble sleeping, I will be depressed the next day. By the way, are you OK now? Wish you a good dream tonight!

    1. If I didn't push myself to the edge, I could see something different in the world.
      Just like I am under the water and look up in the sky

  2. Maybe 針鋒 means the pain caused by insomnia.

    1. Taiwan's translation is always abstract !
      It was amazing that you could decode itXDDD

  3. Norlan's movies are seldom played by Taiwanese movie channel, isn't that?

    1. Yep
      I only see The dark knight and Inception on HBO.
