"Whyyyyyyyy SsssO seriouS s a !!"
A year, could change everything.
As Batman became the ultimate threat for the mobs ,bad politician and dirty cops, he also been to wake hope in Gotham citizens' mind.
However, no one wanted to give up all the fortune and power they used to handle. They turn into the man they even don't know.
"The man"?
"The agent of CHAOS!"
"Endure, Master Wayne. Take it."
The most basic geometric shape is triangle. They are powerful, ultimately and various.
After Bruce Wayne backed to Gotham for a year, the city started to reborn. Numerous triangles were emerged and coming to boiling point.
1. Harvey / Gordon / Batman
They rebuilt the city's confidence and brought villains to justice.
The most important : Lit up "hope" in every citizens' mind.
2. Joker / Batman / Harvey
Success may come with various form, but they had lots of commons.
Although these guys had different goal, nevertheless they all eager to complete their destiny. Even it had to burn themselves.
3. Rachel / Bruce / Harvey
Every great hero had a great woman behind him.
It wasn't only happened on heroic event. If you working on something hardly, even devote yourself, you must yearn for a connection to connect you to the world.
That's why Bruce and Harvey needed Rachel so much, they were totally beyond "Love".
It was the only connection for them to happiness.
4. Mobs / Police / Citizen and 5. 6. .....so on.
These triangle built a cathedral, great amount of life within.
About the movie itself
Would The Dark Knight become epic in motion picture history? Only time can prove it. But we can see so many heroic movie followed its foot step.
Hero was not only an icon any more, they were people.
It also means any mortal could be hero.

And for me.
Character's Profile
From Batman to The Dark Knight :
He was a freak who worn expensive costume. Nonetheless, he was a symbol of good and the icon of justice.
From Gotham's White Knight to ?
He was so righteous to fight injustice on the bright-shining stage. However, the most terrify thing for him was that his connection to the world was......
Don't think.
A man had no burden.
No rule
No fault
He JUST want to PLAY
Joker would stick in my mind forever
The more I wrote about this movie, the more I felt I would sorry for this movie.
This movie can watch in NTU Library.
What stop you ?